input = new NDArray(input->permute({0, 3, 1, 2})); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] -> [bS, iC, iH, iW]
output = new NDArray(output->permute({0, 3, 1, 2})); // [bS, oH, oW, iC] -> [bS, iC, oH, oW]
ConvolutionUtils::calcOutSizePool2D(oY, oX, kY, kX, sY, sX, pY, pX, dY, dX, inY, inX, isSameMode);
ConvolutionUtils::calcPadding2D(pY, pX, oY, oX, inY, inX, kY, kX, sY, sX, dY, dX);
ConvolutionUtils::calcOutSizePool2D(oH, oW, kH, kW, sH, sW, pH, pW, dH, dW, iH, iW, isSameMode);
int bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW; // batch size, input channels, input height/width, output channels, output height/width;
ConvolutionUtils::getSizesAndIndexesConv2d(isNCHW, *input, *gradO, bS, iC, iH, iW, oC, oH, oW, indIOioC, indIiH, indWiC, indWoC, indWkH, indOoH);
std::string expectedGradOShape = ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(ShapeUtils::composeShapeUsingDimsAndIdx({bS,iC,oH,oW, 0,indIOioC,indIiH,indIiH+1}));
std::string expectedGradIShape = ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(ShapeUtils::composeShapeUsingDimsAndIdx({bS,iC,iH,iW, 0,indIOioC,indIiH,indIiH+1}));
REQUIRE_TRUE(expectedGradOShape == ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(gradO), 0, "PNORMPOOL2D_BP op: wrong shape of output's gradients array (next epsilon), expected is %s, but got %s instead !", expectedGradOShape.c_str(), ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(gradO).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(expectedGradIShape == ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(gradI), 0, "PNORMPOOL2D_BP op: wrong shape of input's gradients array (epsilon), expected is %s, but got %s instead !", expectedGradIShape.c_str(), ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(gradI).c_str());
gradI = new NDArray(gradI->permute({0, 3, 1, 2})); // [bS, iH, iW, iC] -> [bS, iC, iH, iW]
gradO = new NDArray(gradO->permute({0, 3, 1, 2})); // [bS, oH, oW, iC] -> [bS, iC, oH, oW]
2019-06-06 14:21:15 +02:00
// ConvolutionUtils<T>::calcPadding2D(pH, pW, oH, oW, iH, iW, kH, kW, sH, sW, dH, dW);
2019-06-06 14:21:15 +02:00
// NDArray<T>* columns = columnsWrongShape.permute({0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3}); // [bS, iC, oH, oW, kH, kW] -> [bS, iC, kH, kW, oH, oW]
// input->template applyTransform<simdOps::Im2col<T>>(columns, std::vector<T>({(T)kH, (T)kW, (T)sH, (T)sW, (T)pH, (T)pW, (T)dH, (T)dW, (T)0.f, (T)0.f}).data());
2019-06-06 14:21:15 +02:00
// columns->template applyTransform<simdOps::Col2Im<T>>(gradI, std::vector<T>({(T)sH, (T)sW, (T)pH, (T)pW, (T)iH, (T)iW, (T)dH, (T)dW}).data());