
440 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2019 Konduit K.K.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author AbdelRauf
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <pointercast.h>
#include <op_boilerplate.h>
namespace nd4j {
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect( (x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect( (x), 0)
#define likely(x) (x)
#define unlikely(x) (x)
using zip_size_t = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;
template<size_t Index>
struct CoordsState :CoordsState<Index - 1> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride;
Nd4jLong adjust;
CoordsState() :CoordsState<Index - 1>() {}
struct CoordsState<0> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride;
Nd4jLong adjust;
CoordsState() {}
template<size_t Index>
struct ZipCoordsState :ZipCoordsState<Index - 1> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride1;
Nd4jLong stride2;
Nd4jLong adjust1;
Nd4jLong adjust2;
ZipCoordsState() : ZipCoordsState<Index - 1>() {}
struct ZipCoordsState<0> {
Nd4jLong coord;
Nd4jLong last_num;
Nd4jLong stride1;
Nd4jLong stride2;
Nd4jLong adjust1;
Nd4jLong adjust2;
ZipCoordsState() {}
#define COORDS(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::coord)
#define STRIDE(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::stride)
#define LAST_NUM(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::last_num)
#define OF_ADJUST(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::CoordsState<(index)>::adjust)
#define ZIP_LAST_NUM(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::last_num)
#define ZIP_COORDS(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::coord)
#define ZIP_STRIDE1(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::stride1)
#define ZIP_STRIDE2(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::stride2)
#define ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::adjust1)
#define ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(x,index) ((x).::nd4j::ZipCoordsState<(index)>::adjust2)
FORCEINLINE void index2coords_C(Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong rank, const Nd4jLong* bases, Nd4jLong* coords) {
for (size_t i = rank - 1; i > 0; --i) {
coords[i] = index % bases[i];
index /= bases[i];
coords[0] = index; // last iteration
FORCEINLINE void index2coords_F(Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong rank, const Nd4jLong* bases, Nd4jLong* coords) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rank - 1; i++) {
coords[i] = index % bases[i];
index /= bases[i];
coords[rank - 1] = index; // last iteration
FORCEINLINE size_t offset_from_coords(const Nd4jLong* strides, const Nd4jLong* coords, const Nd4jLong& rank) {
size_t offset = 0;
size_t rank_4 = rank & -4;
for (int i = 0; i < rank_4; i += 4) {
offset = offset
+ coords[i] * strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * strides[i + 3];
for (int i = rank_4; i < rank; i++) {
offset += coords[i] * strides[i];
return offset;
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t offset_from_coords(const Nd4jLong*& x_strides, const Nd4jLong*& z_strides, const Nd4jLong* coords, const Nd4jLong& rank) {
zip_size_t offset = { 0,0 };
size_t rank_4 = rank & -4;
for (int i = 0; i < rank_4; i += 4) {
offset.first = offset.first
+ coords[i] * x_strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * x_strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * x_strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * x_strides[i + 3];
offset.second = offset.second
+ coords[i] * z_strides[i]
+ coords[i + 1] * z_strides[i + 1]
+ coords[i + 2] * z_strides[i + 2]
+ coords[i + 3] * z_strides[i + 3];
for (int i = rank_4; i < rank; i++) {
offset.first += coords[i] * x_strides[i];
offset.second += coords[i] * z_strides[i];
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
constexpr size_t StridesOrderInd() {
return Last_Index_Faster ? Rank - Index - 1 : Index;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == Index), size_t>::type
coord_inc_n(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(COORDS(cbs, Ind) < LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset += cbs.CoordsState<Ind>::stride;
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
return last_offset;
//overflow case should not happen
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
//last_offset = 0;// last_offset + strides[Ind] - adjust_stride;
return 0;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != Index), size_t >::type
coord_inc_n(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(COORDS(cbs, Ind) < LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset = last_offset + cbs.CoordsState<Ind>::stride;
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
else {
//lets adjust offset
last_offset -= OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind);
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
last_offset = coord_inc_n<Rank, Index + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
return last_offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t Index = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset) {
return coord_inc_n<Rank, Index, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs,/* 1,*/ last_offset/*, 0*/);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords_ews(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, size_t last_offset, size_t ews) {
if (ews == 1) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
return last_offset + STRIDE(cbs, Ind);
return coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs,/* 1,*/ last_offset/*, 0*/);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
coord_inc_n(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) < ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset.first += ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second += ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
return last_offset;
//overflow case should not happen
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
//last_offset = 0;// last_offset + strides[Ind] - adjust_stride;
return { 0,0 };
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), zip_size_t >::type
coord_inc_n(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
if (likely(ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) < ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind))) {
last_offset.first += ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second += ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) + 1;
else {
//lets adjust offset
last_offset.first -= ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind);
last_offset.second -= ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = 0;
last_offset = coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
return last_offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, zip_size_t last_offset) {
return coord_inc_n<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, last_offset);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), size_t>::type
init_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, size_t offset = 0) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
STRIDE(cbs, Ind) = strides[Ind];
OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] * strides[Ind] - strides[Ind];
offset += COORDS(cbs, Ind) * strides[Ind];
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), size_t>::type
init_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, size_t offset = 0) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
STRIDE(cbs, Ind) = strides[Ind];
OF_ADJUST(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] * strides[Ind] - strides[Ind];
offset += COORDS(cbs, Ind) * strides[Ind];
return init_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, index / bases[Ind], bases, strides, offset);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_coords(CoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex] && eq_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, coords);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return ZIP_COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex];
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), bool>::type
eq_zip_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong* coords) {
return ZIP_COORDS(cbs, rankIndex) == coords[rankIndex] && eq_zip_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1>(cbs, coords);
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 == rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
init_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, zip_size_t offset = {}) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind) = x_strides[Ind];
ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind) = z_strides[Ind];
ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
offset.first += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
offset.second += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
return offset;
template<size_t Rank, size_t rankIndex = 0, bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
typename std::enable_if<(Rank - 1 != rankIndex), zip_size_t>::type
init_coords(ZipCoordsState<Rank - 1>& cbs, const Nd4jLong index, const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, zip_size_t offset = {}) {
constexpr size_t Ind = StridesOrderInd<Rank, rankIndex, Last_Index_Faster>();
ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) = index % bases[Ind];
ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) = bases[Ind] - 1;
ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind) = x_strides[Ind];
ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind) = z_strides[Ind];
ZIP_OF_ADJUST1(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
ZIP_OF_ADJUST2(cbs, Ind) = ZIP_LAST_NUM(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
offset.first += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE1(cbs, Ind);
offset.second += ZIP_COORDS(cbs, Ind) * ZIP_STRIDE2(cbs, Ind);
return init_coords<Rank, rankIndex + 1, Last_Index_Faster>(cbs, index / bases[Ind], bases, x_strides, z_strides, offset);
//inc coords for non constant Ranks
template<bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, Nd4jLong* coords, size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip = 0) {
Nd4jLong val;
for (int i = rank - skip - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset += strides[i];
else {
last_offset -= coords[i] * strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
FORCEINLINE size_t inc_coords<false>(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* strides, Nd4jLong* coords, size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip) {
Nd4jLong val;
for (int i = skip; i < rank; i++) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset += strides[i];
else {
last_offset -= coords[i] * strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
template<bool Last_Index_Faster = true>
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, Nd4jLong* coords, zip_size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip = 0) {
Nd4jLong val = 0;
for (int i = rank - skip - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset.first += x_strides[i];
last_offset.second += z_strides[i];
else {
last_offset.first -= coords[i] * x_strides[i];
last_offset.second -= coords[i] * z_strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;
FORCEINLINE zip_size_t inc_coords<false>(const Nd4jLong* bases, const Nd4jLong* x_strides, const Nd4jLong* z_strides, Nd4jLong* coords, zip_size_t last_offset, const size_t rank, const size_t skip) {
Nd4jLong val = 0;
for (int i = skip; i < rank; i++) {
val = coords[i] + 1;
if (likely(val < bases[i])) {
coords[i] = val;
last_offset.first += x_strides[i];
last_offset.second += z_strides[i];
else {
last_offset.first -= coords[i] * x_strides[i];
last_offset.second -= coords[i] * z_strides[i];
coords[i] = 0;
return last_offset;