REQUIRE_TRUE(shapeRank<=1,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: rank of shape array should be <= 1, bot got %i instead !",shapeRank);
REQUIRE_TRUE(inputRank<=shapeLen,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: rank of input shape array should be <= length of shape array, bot got %i and %i correspondingly !",inputRank,shapeLen);
REQUIRE_TRUE(input->sizeAt(inputRank-i)==outShape[shapeLen-i]||input->sizeAt(inputRank-i)==1,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: shape of input array %s can't be broadcasted to the shape %s !",ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(input).c_str(),ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(outShape).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(shapeRank<=1,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: rank of input shape array should be <= 1, bit got %i instead !",shapeRank);
REQUIRE_TRUE(inputRank<=shapeLen,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: rank of input shape array should be <= length of shape array, bot got %i and %i correspondingly !",inputRank,shapeLen);
REQUIRE_TRUE(inputShapeInfo[inputRank+1-i]==outShape[shapeLen-i]||inputShapeInfo[inputRank+1-i]==1,0,"BROADCAST_TO op: shape of input array %s can't be broadcasted to the shape %s !",ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(inputShapeInfo).c_str(),ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(outShape).c_str());