REQUIRE_TRUE(inRank==2||inRank==4||inRank==6,0,"DIAG_PART op: input array must have rank among following three possible values: 2, 4, 6, but got %i instead !",inRank);
REQUIRE_TRUE(input->sizeAt(i)==input->sizeAt(i+1),0,"DIAG_PART op: wrong shape of input array %s ! All dimensions must be equal !",ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(input).c_str());
REQUIRE_TRUE(inRank==2||inRank==4||inRank==6,0,"DIAG_PART op: input array must have rank among following three possible values: 2, 4, 6, but got %i instead !",inRank);
REQUIRE_TRUE(inputShapeInfo[i]==inputShapeInfo[i+1],0,"DIAG_PART op: wrong shape of input array %s ! All dimensions must be equal !",ShapeUtils::shapeAsString(inputShapeInfo).c_str());