Brutex XServices Documentation June 2014 Brian Rosenberger Brutex Network 2014 The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of this document for any purpose. It is provided as is without expressed or implied warranty. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Apache Tomcat and Apache Ant are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation. Abstract In complex IT environments it is often necessary to integrate different information systems with each other, exchange data between software tools and automate actions based on events arising from user interaction. Web Services is a popular way to make remote functions available to a broad range of clients. A WebService is independent from platforms and programming languages. XML Messages are exchanged through common protocols like TCP/IP or SMTP, processed and returned (request/ response paradigm). Because of their nature, WebServices are a great technology to overcome system boundaries and to "orchestrate" your IT environment. They make up the basis for SOA and are the pieces that assemble automated business processes. XServices is a collection of pre-build WebServices with the intention to avoid duplicate work and "re-inventing the wheel". The historical base for XServices is the 'XBridgeNG' software, which provided a set of Apache Ant Tasks with quite the same intention. The available WebService operations are most likely the "most wanted" ones, some of them for sure are "must have". This collection may overlap with other libraries. In summary the current version contains 8 WebServices with over 50 operations. Getting started This chapter describes the installation process.
Installation As of February 2013, XServices require Java 7. Older builds run against Java 5. Apache Tomcat 7 tbd. In short: Deploy .WAR file to Apache Tomcat
Securing with Basic Authentication There is a quick guide explaining Basic Authentication for Tomcat here:
Limit access to Sometimes you'll only want to restrict access to to only specified host names or IP addresses. This way, only clients at those specified addresses can use the web services. Tomcat provides two configuration values for that: RemoteHostValve and RemoteAddrValve. These Valves allow you to filter requests by host name or by IP address, and to allow or deny hosts that match. The example below restricts access to the ArchiveService from any machine that is not the local host. <Context path="/XService/ArchiveService" ...> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve" allow="" deny=""/> </Context> If no allow pattern is given, then patterns that match the deny attribute patterns will be rejected, and all others will be allowed. Similarly, if no deny pattern is given, patterns that match the allow attribute will be allowed, and all others will be denied. The <context> element must be placed into the server.xml file (into <engine><host>).
Available SOAP Services List of available web services and their operations.
ArchiveServices The ArchiveService bundles file packing operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/ArchiveService?wsdl
gzip Create a GNU zip archive. Sample request: Sample response:
bzip2FromArchive Create a new bzip2 archive from files located within another archive. Sample request: Sample response:
bzip2 Create a bzip2 archive. Sample request: Sample response:
gzipFromArchive Create a new GNU zip archive from files located within another archive. Sample request: Sample response:
gunzip Extract files from a GNU zip archive. Sample request: Sample response:
bunzip2 Extract files from a bzip2 archive. Sample request: Sample response:
gunzipFromURL Extract files from a GNU zip archive. The archive is located on the web (http/ https) and will be downloaded automatically. Sample request: Sample response:
bunzip2FromURL Extract files from a bzip2 archive. The archive is located on the web (http/ https) and will be downloaded automatically. Sample request: Sample response:
zip Compress files and store them in a ZIP archive. Sample request: Sample response:
zipFromArchive Create a new ZIP archive from files located within another archive. Sample request: Sample response:
unzip Extract files from a zip archive. Sample request: Sample response:
untar Extract files from a tarball archive. Sample request: Sample response:
unrar Extract files from a RAR archive. Sample request: Sample response:
DateServices The DateService bundles various date and time related operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/DateService?wsdl XServices uses a date/time format as suggested by, which is basically a subset of ISO8601. Most input parameters for date/time have to be provided as such. Another date/time format, that is often used is defined by RFC822. The major difference to ISO8601 and the Xmlschema datetime format, is in the way how the time zone is specified. ISO8601 specifies a colon to be used to separate hour and minutes time shift. RFC822 does not use a separator. ISO8601 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+01:00") RFC822 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+0100")
dateAdd Add or substract a time span from/ to a date. Sample request: Sample response: Hints here
dateTimeDiff Calculate elapsed time between two dates. Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds. Sample request: Sample response: Hints here
dateTimeDiff Calculate Fully elapsed units between two dates. Example: 4:15:10-4:15:55 in minutes = 0 and in seconds = 45. Sample request: Sample response: Hints here
getDate Get current time and date. Sample request: Sample response: 02.01.2012 2012/01/02 08:14:40+0100 2012-01-02T08:14:40+0100 1325488480957 ]]>
getDateExtended Get current time and date (extended Version). Sample response: 2012-01-23T08:30:00.333+01:00 2012-01-23T08:30:00.333+0100 1327303800333 23.01.2012 2012/01/23 08:30:00 ]]>
formatDate Transform date/time representation from ISO8601 or RFC822 format to ISO8601 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+01:00") RFC822 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+0100") YYYYMMDD (example: "2012/01/17") DDMMYYYY (example: "17.01.2012")
formatDateAdvanced Transform Time/ Date representation. Formats a date with a free form pattern. Uses SimpleDateFormat patterns. The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z' are reserved):
getInTimezone Changes the date/time presentation to another time zone. The date/time object itself is not changed. For example '2012-01-05T22:45:11-06:30' is presented as '2012-01-06T07:15:11+02:00' from Helsinki time zone perspective. The web service operation "getTimezones" returns a full list of all supported time zones.
getTimestamp Get current timestamp in milliseconds (epoch). Sample request: Sample response: ]]>1325488875703 ]]>
getTimestamp2 Get current timestamp in seconds (unix timestamp). Sample request: Sample response: ]]>1325488876 ]]>
getTimezones Returns all time zones this implementation (more precisely your JVM) is aware of. You have to use the id to refer to a time zone, the display name is specific to the localisation of your JVM. The offset shows the time difference to Greenwich Time (GMT), also known as UTC. The daylight saving time is not taken into account for the offset. Sample response GMT-12:00 Etc/GMT+12 -43200 GMT-11:00 Etc/GMT+11 -39600 West Samoa Zeit MIT -39600 West Samoa Zeit Pacific/Apia -39600 Samoa Normalzeit Pacific/Midway -39600 Niue Zeit Pacific/Niue -39600 Samoa Normalzeit Pacific/Pago_Pago -39600 Samoa Normalzeit Pacific/Samoa -39600 Samoa Normalzeit US/Samoa -39600 Hawaii-Aleutische Normalzeit America/Adak -36000 Hawaii-Aleutische Normalzeit America/Atka -36000 GMT-10:00 Etc/GMT+10 -36000 Hawaii Normalzeit HST -36000 Tokelau Zeit Pacific/Fakaofo -36000 Hawaii Normalzeit Pacific/Honolulu -36000 Hawaii Normalzeit Pacific/Johnston -36000 Cook-Inseln Zeit Pacific/Rarotonga -36000 Tahiti Zeit Pacific/Tahiti -36000 Hawaii Normalzeit SystemV/HST10 -36000 Hawaii-Aleutische Normalzeit US/Aleutian -36000 Hawaii Normalzeit US/Hawaii -36000 Marquesas Zeit Pacific/Marquesas -34200 Alaska Normalzeit AST -32400 Alaska Normalzeit America/Anchorage -32400 Alaska Normalzeit America/Juneau -32400 Alaska Normalzeit America/Nome -32400 Alaska Normalzeit America/Yakutat -32400 GMT-09:00 Etc/GMT+9 -32400 Gambier Zeit Pacific/Gambier -32400 Alaska Normalzeit SystemV/YST9 -32400 Alaska Normalzeit SystemV/YST9YDT -32400 Alaska Normalzeit US/Alaska -32400 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Dawson -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Ensenada -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Los_Angeles -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Santa_Isabel -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Tijuana -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Vancouver -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit America/Whitehorse -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit Canada/Pacific -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit Canada/Yukon -28800 GMT-08:00 Etc/GMT+8 -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit Mexico/BajaNorte -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit PST -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit PST8PDT -28800 Pitcairn Normalzeit Pacific/Pitcairn -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit SystemV/PST8 -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit SystemV/PST8PDT -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit US/Pacific -28800 Pazifische Normalzeit US/Pacific-New -28800 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Boise -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Cambridge_Bay -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Chihuahua -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Dawson_Creek -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Denver -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Edmonton -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Hermosillo -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Inuvik -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Mazatlan -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Ojinaga -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Phoenix -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Shiprock -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit America/Yellowknife -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit Canada/Mountain -25200 GMT-07:00 Etc/GMT+7 -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit MST -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit MST7MDT -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit Mexico/BajaSur -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit Navajo -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit PNT -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit SystemV/MST7 -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit SystemV/MST7MDT -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit US/Arizona -25200 Rocky Mountains Normalzeit US/Mountain -25200 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Belize -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Cancun -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Chicago -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Costa_Rica -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/El_Salvador -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Guatemala -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Indiana/Knox -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Indiana/Tell_City -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Knox_IN -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Managua -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Matamoros -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Menominee -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Merida -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Mexico_City -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Monterrey -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/North_Dakota/Center -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/North_Dakota/New_Salem -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Rainy_River -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Rankin_Inlet -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Regina -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Swift_Current -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Tegucigalpa -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit America/Winnipeg -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit CST -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit CST6CDT -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit Canada/Central -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit Canada/East-Saskatchewan -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit Canada/Saskatchewan -21600 Osterinseln Zeit Chile/EasterIsland -21600 GMT-06:00 Etc/GMT+6 -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit Mexico/General -21600 Osterinseln Zeit Pacific/Easter -21600 Galapagos Zeit Pacific/Galapagos -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit SystemV/CST6 -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit SystemV/CST6CDT -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit US/Central -21600 Zentrale Normalzeit US/Indiana-Starke -21600 Östliche Normalzeit America/Atikokan -18000 Kolumbianische Zeit America/Bogota -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Cayman -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Coral_Harbour -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Detroit -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Fort_Wayne -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Grand_Turk -18000 Ecuadorianische Zeit America/Guayaquil -18000 Kubanische Normalzeit America/Havana -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Indianapolis -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Marengo -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Petersburg -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Vevay -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Vincennes -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indiana/Winamac -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Indianapolis -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Iqaluit -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Jamaica -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Kentucky/Louisville -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Kentucky/Monticello -18000 Peruanische Zeit America/Lima -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Louisville -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Montreal -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Nassau -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/New_York -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Nipigon -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Panama -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Pangnirtung -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Port-au-Prince -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Resolute -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Thunder_Bay -18000 Östliche Normalzeit America/Toronto -18000 Östliche Normalzeit Canada/Eastern -18000 Kubanische Normalzeit Cuba -18000 Östliche Normalzeit EST -18000 Östliche Normalzeit EST5EDT -18000 GMT-05:00 Etc/GMT+5 -18000 Östliche Normalzeit IET -18000 Östliche Normalzeit Jamaica -18000 Östliche Normalzeit SystemV/EST5 -18000 Östliche Normalzeit SystemV/EST5EDT -18000 Östliche Normalzeit US/East-Indiana -18000 Östliche Normalzeit US/Eastern -18000 Östliche Normalzeit US/Michigan -18000 Venezuelanische Zeit America/Caracas -16200 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Anguilla -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Antigua -14400 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/San_Luis -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Aruba -14400 Paraguay Zeit America/Asuncion -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Barbados -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Blanc-Sablon -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Boa_Vista -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Campo_Grande -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Cuiaba -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Curacao -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Dominica -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Eirunepe -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Glace_Bay -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Goose_Bay -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Grenada -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Guadeloupe -14400 Guyanische Zeit America/Guyana -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Halifax -14400 Bolivianische Zeit America/La_Paz -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Manaus -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Marigot -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Martinique -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Moncton -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Montserrat -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Port_of_Spain -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Porto_Acre -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Porto_Velho -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Puerto_Rico -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit America/Rio_Branco -14400 Chilenische Zeit America/Santiago -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Santo_Domingo -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/St_Barthelemy -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/St_Kitts -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/St_Lucia -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/St_Thomas -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/St_Vincent -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Thule -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Tortola -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit America/Virgin -14400 Chilenische Zeit Antarctica/Palmer -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit Atlantic/Bermuda -14400 Falkland Inseln Zeit Atlantic/Stanley -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit Brazil/Acre -14400 Amazonas Normalzeit Brazil/West -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit Canada/Atlantic -14400 Chilenische Zeit Chile/Continental -14400 GMT-04:00 Etc/GMT+4 -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit PRT -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit SystemV/AST4 -14400 Atlantik Normalzeit SystemV/AST4ADT -14400 Neufundland Normalzeit America/St_Johns -12600 Neufundland Normalzeit CNT -12600 Neufundland Normalzeit Canada/Newfoundland -12600 Argentinische Zeit AGT -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Araguaina -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Catamarca -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Cordoba -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Jujuy -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/La_Rioja -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Mendoza -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Salta -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/San_Juan -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Tucuman -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Argentina/Ushuaia -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Bahia -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Belem -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Buenos_Aires -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Catamarca -10800 Französisch-Guiana Zeit America/Cayenne -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Cordoba -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Fortaleza -10800 Westgrönländische Zeit America/Godthab -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Jujuy -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Maceio -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Mendoza -10800 Pierre & Miquelon Normalzeit America/Miquelon -10800 Uruguayische Zeit America/Montevideo -10800 Suriname Zeit America/Paramaribo -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Recife -10800 Argentinische Zeit America/Rosario -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Santarem -10800 Brasilianische Zeit America/Sao_Paulo -10800 Rothera Zeit Antarctica/Rothera -10800 Brasilianische Zeit BET -10800 Brasilianische Zeit Brazil/East -10800 GMT-03:00 Etc/GMT+3 -10800 Fernando de Noronha Zeit America/Noronha -7200 South Georgia Normalzeit Atlantic/South_Georgia -7200 Fernando de Noronha Zeit Brazil/DeNoronha -7200 GMT-02:00 Etc/GMT+2 -7200 Ostgrönländische Zeit America/Scoresbysund -3600 Azoren Zeit Atlantic/Azores -3600 Kap Verde Zeit Atlantic/Cape_Verde -3600 GMT-01:00 Etc/GMT+1 -3600 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Abidjan 0 Ghanaische Normalzeit Africa/Accra 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Bamako 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Banjul 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Bissau 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Africa/Casablanca 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Conakry 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Dakar 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Africa/El_Aaiun 0 Greenwich Normalzeit Africa/Freetown 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Lome 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Monrovia 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Nouakchott 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Ouagadougou 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Sao_Tome 0 Greenwich Zeit Africa/Timbuktu 0 Greenwich Zeit America/Danmarkshavn 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Atlantic/Canary 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Atlantic/Faeroe 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Atlantic/Faroe 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Atlantic/Madeira 0 Greenwich Zeit Atlantic/Reykjavik 0 Greenwich Zeit Atlantic/St_Helena 0 Greenwich Zeit Eire 0 GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT 0 GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT+0 0 GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT-0 0 GMT+00:00 Etc/GMT0 0 Greenwich Zeit Etc/Greenwich 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Etc/UCT 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Etc/UTC 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Etc/Universal 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Etc/Zulu 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/Belfast 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/Dublin 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/Guernsey 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/Isle_of_Man 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/Jersey 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Europe/Lisbon 0 Greenwich Zeit Europe/London 0 Greenwich Zeit GB 0 Greenwich Zeit GB-Eire 0 Greenwich Zeit GMT 0 GMT+00:00 GMT0 0 Greenwich Zeit Greenwich 0 Greenwich Zeit Iceland 0 Westeuropäische Zeit Portugal 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit UCT 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit UTC 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Universal 0 Westeuropäische Zeit WET 0 Koordinierte Universalzeit Zulu 0 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Africa/Algiers 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Bangui 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Brazzaville 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Africa/Ceuta 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Douala 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Kinshasa 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Lagos 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Libreville 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Luanda 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Malabo 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Ndjamena 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Niamey 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Porto-Novo 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Africa/Tunis 3600 Westafrikanische Zeit Africa/Windhoek 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Arctic/Longyearbyen 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Atlantic/Jan_Mayen 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit CET 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit ECT 3600 GMT+01:00 Etc/GMT-1 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Amsterdam 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Andorra 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Belgrade 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Berlin 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Bratislava 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Brussels 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Budapest 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Copenhagen 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Gibraltar 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Ljubljana 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Luxembourg 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Madrid 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Malta 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Monaco 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Oslo 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Paris 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Podgorica 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Prague 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Rome 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/San_Marino 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Sarajevo 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Skopje 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Stockholm 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Tirane 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Vaduz 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Vatican 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Vienna 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Warsaw 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Zagreb 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Europe/Zurich 3600 Zentraleuropäische Zeit MET 3600 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Poland 3600 Osteuropäische Zeit ART 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Blantyre 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Bujumbura 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Africa/Cairo 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Gaborone 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Harare 7200 Südafrikanische Normalzeit Africa/Johannesburg 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Kigali 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Lubumbashi 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Lusaka 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit Africa/Maputo 7200 Südafrikanische Normalzeit Africa/Maseru 7200 Südafrikanische Normalzeit Africa/Mbabane 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Africa/Tripoli 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Amman 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Beirut 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Damascus 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Gaza 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Istanbul 7200 Israelische Normalzeit Asia/Jerusalem 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Asia/Nicosia 7200 Israelische Normalzeit Asia/Tel_Aviv 7200 Zentralafrikanische Zeit CAT 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit EET 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Egypt 7200 GMT+02:00 Etc/GMT-2 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Athens 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Bucharest 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Chisinau 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Helsinki 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Istanbul 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Kaliningrad 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Kiev 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Mariehamn 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Minsk 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Nicosia 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Riga 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Simferopol 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Sofia 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Tallinn 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Tiraspol 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Uzhgorod 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Vilnius 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Europe/Zaporozhye 7200 Israelische Normalzeit Israel 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Libya 7200 Osteuropäische Zeit Turkey 7200 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Addis_Ababa 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Asmara 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Asmera 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Djibouti 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Kampala 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Khartoum 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Mogadishu 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Africa/Nairobi 10800 Syowa Zeit Antarctica/Syowa 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Aden 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Baghdad 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Bahrain 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Kuwait 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Qatar 10800 Arabische Normalzeit Asia/Riyadh 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit EAT 10800 GMT+03:00 Etc/GMT-3 10800 Moskauer Normalzeit Europe/Moscow 10800 Wolgograder Zeit Europe/Volgograd 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Indian/Antananarivo 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Indian/Comoro 10800 Ostafrikanische Zeit Indian/Mayotte 10800 Moskauer Normalzeit W-SU 10800 GMT+03:07 Asia/Riyadh87 11224 GMT+03:07 Asia/Riyadh88 11224 GMT+03:07 Asia/Riyadh89 11224 GMT+03:07 Mideast/Riyadh87 11224 GMT+03:07 Mideast/Riyadh88 11224 GMT+03:07 Mideast/Riyadh89 11224 Iranische Normalzeit Asia/Tehran 12600 Iranische Normalzeit Iran 12600 Aserbaidschanische Zeit Asia/Baku 14400 Golf Normalzeit Asia/Dubai 14400 Golf Normalzeit Asia/Muscat 14400 Georgische Zeit Asia/Tbilisi 14400 Armenische Zeit Asia/Yerevan 14400 GMT+04:00 Etc/GMT-4 14400 Samarische Zeit Europe/Samara 14400 Seychellen Zeit Indian/Mahe 14400 Mauritius Zeit Indian/Mauritius 14400 Reunion Zeit Indian/Reunion 14400 Armenische Zeit NET 14400 Afghanistanische Zeit Asia/Kabul 16200 Davis Zeit Antarctica/Davis 18000 Mawson Zeit Antarctica/Mawson 18000 Aqtau Zeit Asia/Aqtau 18000 Aqtobe Zeit Asia/Aqtobe 18000 Turkmenische Zeit Asia/Ashgabat 18000 Turkmenische Zeit Asia/Ashkhabad 18000 Tadschikische Zeit Asia/Dushanbe 18000 Pakistanische Zeit Asia/Karachi 18000 Oral Zeit Asia/Oral 18000 Usbekistan Zeit Asia/Samarkand 18000 Usbekistan Zeit Asia/Tashkent 18000 Jekaterinburger Zeit Asia/Yekaterinburg 18000 GMT+05:00 Etc/GMT-5 18000 Französisch Süd- u. Antarktische Landzeit Indian/Kerguelen 18000 Maledivische Zeit Indian/Maldives 18000 Pakistanische Zeit PLT 18000 Indische Normalzeit Asia/Calcutta 19800 Indische Normalzeit Asia/Colombo 19800 Indische Normalzeit Asia/Kolkata 19800 Indische Normalzeit IST 19800 Nepalesische Zeit Asia/Kathmandu 20700 Nepalesische Zeit Asia/Katmandu 20700 Vostok Zeit Antarctica/Vostok 21600 Alma Ata Zeit Asia/Almaty 21600 Kirgisische Zeit Asia/Bishkek 21600 Bangladesch Zeit Asia/Dacca 21600 Bangladesch Zeit Asia/Dhaka 21600 Nowosibirsker Zeit Asia/Novokuznetsk 21600 Nowosibirsker Zeit Asia/Novosibirsk 21600 Omsk Zeit Asia/Omsk 21600 Qyzylorda Zeit Asia/Qyzylorda 21600 Bhutanische Zeit Asia/Thimbu 21600 Bhutanische Zeit Asia/Thimphu 21600 Bangladesch Zeit BST 21600 GMT+06:00 Etc/GMT-6 21600 Indischer Ozean Territorium Zeit Indian/Chagos 21600 Myanmar Zeit Asia/Rangoon 23400 Cocos Islands Zeit Indian/Cocos 23400 Indochina Zeit Asia/Bangkok 25200 Indochina Zeit Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh 25200 Hovd Zeit Asia/Hovd 25200 Westindonesische Zeit Asia/Jakarta 25200 Krasnojarsker Zeit Asia/Krasnoyarsk 25200 Indochina Zeit Asia/Phnom_Penh 25200 Westindonesische Zeit Asia/Pontianak 25200 Indochina Zeit Asia/Saigon 25200 Indochina Zeit Asia/Vientiane 25200 GMT+07:00 Etc/GMT-7 25200 Christmas Island Zeit Indian/Christmas 25200 Indochina Zeit VST 25200 Brunei Zeit Asia/Brunei 28800 Choibalsan Zeit Asia/Choibalsan 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Chongqing 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Chungking 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Harbin 28800 Hongkong Zeit Asia/Hong_Kong 28800 Irkutsk Zeit Asia/Irkutsk 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Kashgar 28800 Malaysische Zeit Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 28800 Malaysische Zeit Asia/Kuching 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Macao 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Macau 28800 Zentralindonesische Zeit Asia/Makassar 28800 Philippinische Zeit Asia/Manila 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Shanghai 28800 Singapur Zeit Asia/Singapore 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Taipei 28800 Zentralindonesische Zeit Asia/Ujung_Pandang 28800 Ulaanbaatar Zeit Asia/Ulaanbaatar 28800 Ulaanbaatar Zeit Asia/Ulan_Bator 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit Asia/Urumqi 28800 Westliche Normalzeit (Australien) Australia/Perth 28800 Westliche Normalzeit (Australien) Australia/West 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit CTT 28800 GMT+08:00 Etc/GMT-8 28800 Hongkong Zeit Hongkong 28800 Chinesische Normalzeit PRC 28800 Singapur Zeit Singapore 28800 Zentral-Westliche Normalzeit (Australien) Australia/Eucla 31500 Timor-Leste Normalzeit Asia/Dili 32400 Ostindonesische Zeit Asia/Jayapura 32400 Koreanische Normalzeit Asia/Pyongyang 32400 Koreanische Normalzeit Asia/Seoul 32400 Japanische Normalzeit Asia/Tokyo 32400 Jakutsk Zeit Asia/Yakutsk 32400 GMT+09:00 Etc/GMT-9 32400 Japanische Normalzeit JST 32400 Japanische Normalzeit Japan 32400 Palau Zeit Pacific/Palau 32400 Koreanische Normalzeit ROK 32400 Zentrale Normalzeit (Northern Territory) ACT 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Südaustralien) Australia/Adelaide 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Südaustralien/New South Wales) Australia/Broken_Hill 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Northern Territory) Australia/Darwin 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Northern Territory) Australia/North 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Südaustralien) Australia/South 34200 Zentrale Normalzeit (Südaustralien/New South Wales) Australia/Yancowinna 34200 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) AET 36000 Dumont-d'Urville Zeit Antarctica/DumontDUrville 36000 Sakhalin Zeit Asia/Sakhalin 36000 Wladiwostok Zeit Asia/Vladivostok 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) Australia/ACT 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Queensland) Australia/Brisbane 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) Australia/Canberra 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) Australia/Currie 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Tasmanien) Australia/Hobart 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Queensland) Australia/Lindeman 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Victoria) Australia/Melbourne 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) Australia/NSW 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Queensland) Australia/Queensland 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (New South Wales) Australia/Sydney 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Tasmanien) Australia/Tasmania 36000 Östliche Normalzeit (Victoria) Australia/Victoria 36000 GMT+10:00 Etc/GMT-10 36000 Chamorro Normalzeit Pacific/Guam 36000 Papua-Neuguinea Zeit Pacific/Port_Moresby 36000 Chamorro Normalzeit Pacific/Saipan 36000 Truk Zeit Pacific/Truk 36000 Truk Zeit Pacific/Yap 36000 Lord Howe Normalzeit Australia/LHI 37800 Lord Howe Normalzeit Australia/Lord_Howe 37800 Casey Time Antarctica/Casey 39600 Magadanische Zeit Asia/Magadan 39600 GMT+11:00 Etc/GMT-11 39600 Vanuatu Zeit Pacific/Efate 39600 Salomoninseln Zeit Pacific/Guadalcanal 39600 Kosrae Zeit Pacific/Kosrae 39600 Neukaledonische Zeit Pacific/Noumea 39600 Ponape Zeit Pacific/Ponape 39600 Salomoninseln Zeit SST 39600 Norfolk Zeit Pacific/Norfolk 41400 Neuseeland Normalzeit Antarctica/McMurdo 43200 Neuseeland Normalzeit Antarctica/South_Pole 43200 Anadyr Zeit Asia/Anadyr 43200 Petropawlowsk-Kamtschatkische Zeit Asia/Kamchatka 43200 GMT+12:00 Etc/GMT-12 43200 Marshallinseln Zeit Kwajalein 43200 Neuseeland Normalzeit NST 43200 Neuseeland Normalzeit NZ 43200 Neuseeland Normalzeit Pacific/Auckland 43200 Fidschi Zeit Pacific/Fiji 43200 Tuvalu Zeit Pacific/Funafuti 43200 Marshallinseln Zeit Pacific/Kwajalein 43200 Marshallinseln Zeit Pacific/Majuro 43200 Nauru Zeit Pacific/Nauru 43200 Gilbert-Inseln Zeit Pacific/Tarawa 43200 Wake Zeit Pacific/Wake 43200 Wallis u. Futuna Zeit Pacific/Wallis 43200 Chatham Normalzeit NZ-CHAT 45900 Chatham Normalzeit Pacific/Chatham 45900 GMT+13:00 Etc/GMT-13 46800 Phoenix Inseln Zeit Pacific/Enderbury 46800 Tonga Zeit Pacific/Tongatapu 46800 GMT+14:00 Etc/GMT-14 50400 Line Inseln Zeit Pacific/Kiritimati 50400 ]]>
parseDate Converts a string into date using pre-defined date formats ISO8601 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+01:00") RFC822 (example: "2012-01-17T23:50:00+0100") YYYYMMDD (example: "2012/01/17") DDMMYYYY (example: "17.01.2012")
parseDateAdvanced Converts a string into date using any format.
ExecuteServices The ExecuteService bundles local and remote command execution operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/ExecuteService?wsdl
rExec provides remote execution facilities with authentication based on user names and passwords.
Input parameters rExec input parameters parameter type required description host HostConnection Yes Host where to execute the command. See HostConnection . command String No Any command including arguments timeout Long Yes Timeout in milliseconds. The command is forcefully terminated when timeout is reached.
Output parameters
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
runCommand Run an executable with arguments on the server providing the web service. The command is run within the environment and under the user privileges of the user who is running the Tomcat Server.
Input parameters runCommand input parameters parameter type required description executable String Yes Command to be run. The command may be specified with full path using forward slash "/" as path separator. argline String No Any command line arguments timeout Long Yes Timeout in milliseconds. The command is forcefully terminated when timeout is reached.
Output parameters
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
Sample request: Start Windows Command Interpreter and print "Hello World" to STDOUT. c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe /C "echo Hallo Welt!" 3000 ]]> Sample response: 0 ExecuteService.result 0 ExecuteService.stdout Hallo Welt! ExecuteService.stderr ]]>
Sample request: Start notepad.exe and close it after 15 seconds. c:/windows/system32/notepad.exe 15000 ]]>
runCommandAsync Run an executable with arguments on the server providing the web service and don't wait for the executable to finish. The command is run within the environment and under the user privileges of the user who is running the Tomcat Server.
runCommandAsyncWithArgs Run an executable with arguments on the server providing the web service and don't wait for the executable to finish. The command is run within the environment and under the user privileges of the user who is running the Tomcat Server.
runCommandWithArgs Run an executable with arguments on the server providing the web service. The command is run within the environment and under the user privileges of the user who is running the Tomcat Server.
runCommandWithSSH Executes a command through a SSH session.
Input parameters runCommandWithSSH input parameters parameter type required description host HostConnection Yes Host to connect to (see: tns:HostConnection ) command String No The command to execute. timeout Long Yes Timeout in milliseconds. The command is forcefully terminated when timeout is reached.
Output parameters
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
Sample Request: 22 roger xxx ls /etc/ 30000 ]]>
runCommandWithSSHKeyAuth Executes a command through a SSH session.
runJavaScript Execute a JavaScript and or Java program using Mozilla Rhino JIT-Compiler.
telnet Runs a telnet session with an "expect shell" like behaviour.
Input parameters telnet input parameters parameter type required description host HostConnection Yes Host to connect to (see: tns:HostConnection) prompt String No The prompt string to expect after login. This is used to recognize when the session is open. command String No The command to execute. expect String No The prompt to expect after the command has been executed successfully. timeout Long Yes Timeout in milliseconds. The command is forcefully terminated when timeout is reached.
Output parameters
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
Sample Request: localhost 23 brosenberger C:\Users\brosenberger> dir c:\temp enberger> 60000 ]]>
FileServices The FileServces bundles various file operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/FileService?wsdl
downloadFile Downloads a file as base64 encoded. Sample request: FILE c:\temp\test.docx ]]> Sample response: ADQBNA[... snipp ...]wAApzcAAAAA test.docx ]]> Encoding files as base64 is very memory consuming!
encodeFile Encodes a file as base64. Sample request: FILE c:\temp\test.docx ]]> Sample response: ADQBNA[... snipp ...]wAApzcAAAAA test.docx ]]> DEPRECATED: Encoding files as base64 is very memory consuming!
JobServices The JobService bundles re-occuring or scheduled operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/JobService?wsdl
MailServices The MailService contains mail send and receive operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/MailService?wsdl
sendMailSimple Send email.
MiscServices The MiscService bundles various operations. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/MiscService?wsdl
generateUUID Generates a UUID that represents a 128-bit value. This operation does not require any input parameters. The output has the format: 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 time_low 0x00000000FFFF0000 time_mid 0x000000000000F000 version 0x0000000000000FFF time_hi The least significant long consists of the following unsigned fields: 0xC000000000000000 variant 0x3FFF000000000000 clock_seq 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF node Sample response: ]]>33b9e5c8-9102-423b-88af-bbee479ebea8 ]]>
getHostinfo Collect information about a host address. Sample request: ]]> ]]> Sample response: ]]> ]]> ]]>:: ]]>we-in-f105 ]]>
sleep Delays the response by the given minutes/ seconds. Please note, that it may take more time to perform the server roundtrip (network delays, parsing, etc.). Also you may have a network timeout set up in Tomcat or your client that prevents this web service to respond correctly.
StorageServices The StorageService will provide get/ push operations to store and retrieve data from various backends. This is currently under development and not yet released. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/StorageService?wsdl
... Description here
Input parameters Input parameters parameter type required description host HostConnection Yes Host where to execute the command. See HostConnection . command String No Any command including arguments timeout Long Yes Timeout in milliseconds. The command is forcefully terminated when timeout is reached.
Output parameters
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
StringServices The StringService provides String manipulation capabilities. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/StringService?wsdl
replaceRegEx Search and Replace using regular expression. Sample request: Hallo Welt W.* Brian ig ]]> Sample response: Hallo Brian 1 ]]> Allowed regexflags are case-insensitive (i) and global search (g).
XmlServices The XmlService provides operations to manipulate XML structures. Its WSDL is located at http://server:port/XServices/XmlService?wsdl
insertNodes Insert an xml fragment into other elements specified by an XPath expression. This operation is namespace aware. Sample request: Mensiok Bello Schwab Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]> utf-8 /books/author ]]]]> ]]> Sample response: Mensiok Bello Schwab Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]> ]]>
insertNodes2 Insert an xml fragment into xml resource (i.e. file, URL) specified by an XPath expression. This operation is namespace aware. Sample request: Sample response:
replaceNodes Replace an xml fragment with another xml fragment. This operation is namespace aware. Sample request: Mensiok Bello Schwab Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]> utf-8 */name[text()='Schwab'] Meyer45]]]]> ]]> Sample response: Mensiok Bello Meyer45 Rumsau Dollibert Rach ]]]]> ]]>
replaceNodes2 Replace an xml fragment with another xml fragment read from a resource (i.e. file, URL). This operation is namespace aware. Sample request: ... Sample response:
selectXPath Selects xmlfragements, nodes, attribute or text from xml data using an XPath expression. This function requires namespaces to be declared correctly. Sample request: Lena Jani Reminder ABC Don't forget me this weekend! John Lena Call Mr. ABC Please call back Brian JJohn Reminder XServices How to use selectXPath? ]]]]> utf-8 ns bx */bx:note/ns:heading/text() ]]> Sample response: Reminder ABC Reminder XServices 2 ]]>
setAttribute Set an attribute into elements matched by an XPath expression. Sample request: Lena Jani Reminder ABC Don't forget me this weekend! John Lena Call Mr. ABC Please call back ]]]]> utf-8 bx */bx:note priority high ]]> Sample response: Lena Jani Reminder ABC Don't forget me this weekend! John Lena Call Mr. ABC Please call back ]]]]> ]]>
wrapInCDATA Simply wraps any data fragment into <![CDATA[ ... ]]> section. This can be useful if you want to preserve indentation or line breaks. Sample request: Hello World, here is some <xml> data ]]> Sample response: <![CDATA[Hello World, here is some <xml> data]]> ]]>
Available RESTful Services List of available web services and their operations.
CVSInfoService RESTful service to query a CVS repository, search files and content. Includes caching mechanism. Endpoint address: http://localhost:8080/XServices/cvsinfo WADL : http://localhost:8080/XServices/cvsinfo?_wadl
FileInfoService The FileInfoService allows listing/ searching/ browsing and download of files and directories. Includes caching mechanism. Endpoint address: http://localhost:8080/XServices/fileinfo WADL : http://localhost:8080/XServices/fileinfo?_wadl
XML Types This chapter bundles the documentation for common XML types used by XServices web service.
AntProperty type The AntProperty type defines a list of key/value pairs. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.AntProperty . ]]> key2 value2 ]]>
DateInfoType type Different presentation of a date time value. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.DateInfoType .
FileResource type The FileResource type defines an URI to a file with optional on-the-fly decompression. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.FileResource . ]]> Available types: FILE: URI points to a local file resource. Examples: c:\temp\something.txt, c:/dir/another.file, /home/brian/file URL: File from URL (http, https, ftp, ...). Example: GZIP and BZIP2: File from a local file system with on-the-fly decompression. FILE c:\temp\xservices.war ]]>
HostConnection type The HostConnection type identifies a server resource and login credentials. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.HostConnection . Schema definition ]]> Example XML 512 brian somepass ]]>
PatternElement type The PatternElement type defines single string pattern for file/ directory matching. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.PatternElement . These patterns look exactly like those used in Apache Ant Patterns. The '*' matches zero or more characters and the '?' will match a single character. Both symbols can be combined in one pattern. The '**' symbol can be used to match any directory deepth. Some example patterns: **/mydir/** Match all file that are located in any directory that has "mydir" string in its pathname. Also applies to files with "mydir" in their name. /mydir/ The parser will automatically append an '**' symbol, thus the resulting pattern is /mydir/**. All files below the "/mydir/" directory (including its sub-directories will be chosen. The pattern is OS independent. You should always use "/" as path separator, even on windows based systems. Schema definition ]]> Example XML **/*]]>
PatternSetType type The PatternSetType exposes various filters/ selectors for the selection of resources (files). The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.PatternSetType . Schema definition tns:patternElement tns:patternElement tns:selectorType ]]> Example XML
ReturnCode type The ReturnCode type is used as the generic answer type for most of the BruteXservices operations. The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.ReturnCode . Schema definition tns:antProperty ]]> Example XML <ReturnCode xmlns:ns2=""> <returnCode>0</returnCode> <stdOut/> <stdErr/> <propertyList> See tns:antProperty for details about the <propertyList> elements. <name>key1</name> <value>value1</value> </propertyList> <propertyList> <name>key2</name> <value>value2</value> </propertyList> </ReturnCode>
SelectorType type The SelectorType exposes various selectors for the selection of resources (files). The defining Java class is net.brutex.xservices.types.SelectorType. Schema definition ]]> Example XML